GCP PubSub
Google Cloud PubSub is an asynchronous global messaging service. There are three key terms in PubSub: topics, publishing, and subscribing.
- A topic is a shared string that allows applications to connect with one another through a common thread.
- Publishers push (or publish) a message to a Cloud PubSub topic.
- Subscribers make a “subscription” to a topic where they will either pull messages from the subscription or configure webhooks for push subscriptions. Every subscriber must acknowledge each message within a configurable window of time.
In sum, a producer publishes messages to a topic and a consumer creates a subscription to a topic to receive messages from it.
Basic Commands
Topics Related
gcloud pubsub topics create <topic-name>
Create new topic with the specified name.gcloud pubsub topics list --uri
List current topics (--uri
flag only shows list of resources rather than full output).gcloud pubsub topics delete <topic-name>
Deletes the specified topic.gcloud pubsub topics list-subscriptions <topic-name>
List subscriptions specific to a topic.
Subscription Related
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create --topic <topic-name> <subscription-name>
Creates a new subscription with the specified name on the specified topic (topic must pre-exist).gcloud pubsub subscriptions list --uri
List all subscriptions (see--uri
flag above).gcloud pubsub subscriptions delete <subscription-name>
Delete the specified subscription.
Publishing and Consuming Messages
gcloud pubsub topics publish <topic-name> --message "Hello"
Publish the following message to the specified topic.gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull <subscription-name> --auto-ack --limit=<number>
Pull/consume the number of messages specified in the--limit
flag from the specified subscription.
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